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We're on a

*& not to outer space

Protect Familes

We help you invest in today and protect your tomorrow.

Develop Agents

You're looking for a career? 

Build Partnerships

Your next business opportunity starts with an ageny.

3,2,1 Launch

The Sky's the Limit

At Launch, we believe that everyone deserves to have access to life insurance coverage that protects their loved ones' future. Our team of experienced agents is committed to guiding you through the process and helping you select the best policy for you and your family. Are you looking to start a career in the insurance industry? Join our team for a fulfilling and rewarding career.

Take the first step towards an exciting and fulfilling career by applying today.


Final Expense

Even if it’s difficult to talk about end-of-life issues, it is critical to plan for them. 

Life Insurance

Whatever stage you’re in, make sure you keep your options open in the event something unexpected happens.


Social Security can be hard to navigate but we are here to help.

Annuities & Retirement

Will you have enough money to have a comfortable retirement?

Mortgage Protection

No matter where you choose to live, our home is our biggest investment and our family’s refuge. 


Protect Families

We provide the best products for our clients so they truly feel protected for

years to come

Train Leaders

It is our goal to partner with career driven individuals who desire to be

top producing agents

Our Products

The advantage of partnering with Launch is that we provide a variety of products from multiple competitive insurance carriers. This means our agents have more options to provide the best match for budget and needs.


Hear it from our agents...

At first it didn't seem legit. Seemed too good to be true. My friends all left to do it so I decided to get my license and get my first batch of leads. Once I wrote my first policy, I knew this could be a career!

Nathan H.


I was tired of the nominal pay in education and needed other ways to increase income using my gifts in teaching and finance then found Launch. I have loved the support and guidance as I've gotten started and I'm so excited to continue to grow and help families.

Rachelle W.


My career goals were: make a real impact and financially giving my family the life they deserve. Less than 1 year in with no experience and I have hit over 20k a month. The team dynamic is fun yet serious. Absolutely blessed to have this opportunity!

Rob G.


Our Carriers

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